Thursday 18 April 2013

A Hello

Hiya! I suppose I should introduce myself here. If you’re reading this because I asked you to, feel free to stop reading round about now. You won’t learn anything new, but thanks for taking a peek! If you’ve somehow accidentally stumbled across my little corner of the internet, here’s the basics:

My name’s Lauren, I’m 19, and I’ve spent my whole life living on the outskirts of Glasgow. I’ve decided to start a blog primarily to record my year abroad as a British Council English Language Assistant, which I’ll be spending in Germany from September. But you’ll also find thoughts and rants of mine that I feel deserve a bit more consideration than being stuck between cat pictures on my tumblr.

I love to travel, if and when money allows, and last summer I spent holidays in Berlin, Paris and Strasbourg. This summer I’m heading to Barcelona, and obviously as of September I plan to take full advantage of Germany’s central position and my unbelievably short working hours by taking impromptu trips around Europe; I can’t wait!

Other hobbies of mine are messing about with my gorgeous Praktica LTL camera, slurping mojitos and dancing with the girls, and stuffing myself with pizza and episodes of Pointless. I’m also a big fan of flavoured tea and my PS2.

That’s about it, I think. Happy reading!
Lauren xx